Elizabeth Williams, Psychic and Medium
Ready to explore your
Spiritual Connections
For anyone who experiences either a distant or distinct feeling that there’s something more to understand or know about loved ones who’ve passed…

Perhaps Your Journey Begins Here
If the soul is immortal, then there must be more than this life. Those who we love, even though they aren’t here, are they not still with us in countless ways…?
Let’s explore those deep and most profound relationships, because they are always alive in us.
Since my dad passed away, I have always been curious about serveral things, of course too personal to discuss here. But I can say, I was amazed how clear and authentic his words came across…So appreciated Elizabeth.
Individual Readings
In person, by phone or Zoom as requested. Please have a pen and paper and, if desired, a recording device.
One person: $225 for 1.5 hrs.
Each additional person: $50 (up to 4 people)